Restless, by Kenneth Moe
Restless, by Kenneth Moe
Restless, Kenneth Moe //
Translated by Alison McCullough //
112 pages, paperback
Released May 14th 2020 //
A young man writes a letter to the woman who rejected him.
Driven by doubt and unbridled desire, he tries to write himself to a new understanding of his loneliness.
At the same time, he suspects literature is to blame for all of this.
He therefore dreams of literature that cures the need for literature, literature where life has precedence.
You ask whether I’m writing about you and the short answer is ‘yes’ and the rest of this fumbling letter can be the long one. You’d like to hear everything, I’m sure, conceited as you are: how I fell in love with you, how I still long for you – and then you’ll probably want me to find poetry in all this misery, and to pull some wisdom out of my ass, and admittedly I should be able to manage that.